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How Tammer Started its Journey towards Sustainability

In today’s world, both customers and partners are raising the bar on sustainability. ESG principles, greenhouse gas emissions, and environmental impacts are now top matters in the manufacturing industry. But many companies are unsure where to begin.

At Tammer, we faced the same challenge: we knew we wanted to become more sustainable, but the path seemed unclear. That’s when we turned to Sustinere for guidance.

The first thing we learned was setting priorities. We decided to focus on one of the most impactful areas – production waste. By sorting our waste to the maximum extent, we realized that what might be surplus for us could become a valuable resource for someone else. Our goal is to ensure as much of our production waste as possible is recycled.

With the expertise of Sustinere and our team of sustainability enthusiasts led by our sustainability and quality manager Anu Marmor and sustainability specialist Stina Silluste, we’ve taken several new steps toward building a greener future. With the help of EIS (Estonian Business and Innovation Agency) we have completed a green audit, and thanks to the insights from our sustainability roadmap, we’re now working on double materiality impact assessments and steadily implementing sustainable practices. 🌍

Learn more about our sustainability journey and how other companies are adopting sustainable practices in the article (EST): https://www.kestlikkusuudised.ee/sisuturundus/2024/09/11/tootmisettevotted-saavad-toetust-esimeste-kestlikkussammude-astumisel
