Lightweight Door SMU112

An uninsulated lightweight metal door is intended for use in indoor conditions (basement, storage room and other indoor spaces) where high fire resistance and security are not required. The product complies with the EN 14351-2 standard.

The product complies with the EN 14351-2 standard.

The standard widths of the door frame are 680mm, 780mm, 880mm and 980mm, and the standard height of the frame is 2090mm.

The weight of the door set is approximately 19 kg/m2.

The door frame is bent from 1.0mm steel sheet with a depth of 82mm. The door leaf without insulation is made of 1.0 mm steel sheet.

The door set is without a threshold.

Lightweight doors are produced as a single leaf, the door set has two lifting hinges made out of steel and a mechanical (ASSA 565 or Euro 1769) lock case fitting or an installed lock case.

For more detailed information, please contact Tammer’s sales department.

The door leaf and frame can be (powder)painted in standard RAL color or PVC-coated steel sheet (colors DL 1 “Light oak”; DL5 “Mahogany”; DL86 “Light birch”; DL96 “Dark oak”).

Lock cylinder, door handle and/or closing system included / installed.

Where we have used it

Reedest Reed Straw