Home > News > Tammer Held a Charity Fair to Raise Money for the Support of Children with Cancer

Tammer Held a Charity Fair to Raise Money for the Support of Children with Cancer

Over the years, we had accumulated a decent amount of various merchandise (from sports equipment to headlamps and power banks) branded with the Tammer logo . We decided to organize a charity fair to find a use for these items among our own employees and by doing so also contribute in children’s health.

Through the sale of items and additional donations, we collected a total of €1439, which we donated to the Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer. We were pleasantly surprised by how successful the fair turned out to be and how much Tammer’s team wanted to contribute to children’s healthcare.

If you would like to contribute as well, you can donate and read more about the association’s activities here: https://www.vahilapsed.ee/en
