Home > News > Our busy sustainability core team graduated Rohetiigri Akadeemia.

Our busy sustainability core team graduated Rohetiigri Akadeemia.

The Green Tiger Academy is a training program which is primarily intended for companies and organizations who wish to make their actions more sustainable. The best experts in Estonia will teach companies how to evaluate the capability of a business model to make environmentally friendly changes and how to organize and implement ambitious innovations.

Our main aim of joining Rohetiiger was to acquire the necessary knowledge and tools to be able to find ways to increase the sustainability of the organization. There was also hope to find other like-minded companies with whom to share and experience the opportunities, successes and challenges of the journey.

The sustainability project in Tammer was launched in October 2022. By June of this year, a preliminary action plan has been drawn up and the initial goals have been established. As a part of the Design Sprint, a waste sorting pilot project in one of the production departments was also carried out.

In addition we made a start with the preparation of a green audit, as well as the measurement of Tammer’s CO2 footprint. We wish to acknowledge in which ways and to what extent Tammer’s activities influence the environment.  As soon as we have found out more in detail, we can start to make the company even more sustainable, step by step.
