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Home > News > Tammer has signed a cooperation agreement with Chantiers de l’Atlantique Cabin Factory

Tammer has signed a cooperation agreement with Chantiers de l’Atlantique Cabin Factory

We have been collaborating with the CDA Shipyard for a year already, and we are happy to announce that from now on we will also have the opportunity to start production as partners for the cabin factory in the coming years.
According to Tammer’s CEO Anti Tammo, the new contract is a very important milestone for the company which marks Tammer’s move into a new market segment, which, in addition to project-based production of doors, is the field of serial production.
Established on the Atlantic coast, Chantiers de l’Atlantique is a shipbuilding and fleet services providing company. Thanks to the various expertises of its personnel and co-contractors, combined with its high-profile industrial tool, Chantiers de l’Atlantique is one of the world leaders in designing, manufacturing, installing and commissioning of highly complex ships and marine facilities.
